Fareweel Yahoo Directory
Aw. Surprised how sad I was to hear that Yahoo will be shutting down their Yahoo Directory. Even though I probably haven’t visited it in several years in the early days of the web it’s difficult to explain how important a site it was in its day. It’s really hard to remember the days before search engines,…
scottishlass.scot AT LAST!
YES, YES, YES! YES I’M SHOUTING! Celebrating independence on teh interwebz. Been admiring my lovely new domain name, (spot the aliteration too) so of course I need to shift the blog one more time to it’s rightful resting place. Scottish Lass Seeks (domain since 2001) has found a permanent home. Hamewith tae www.scottishlass.scot Ya beauty! I was so…
Civil action
Intrigued to see “Civil action raised after rape charges dropped” and “Scotland star David Goodwillie set to face civil action from woman over rape claims“. Pleased to see that there is at least some attempt is being made progress the case via alternative means. Shame the criminal side fell through though, wonder how many times…
Abusing the abused
Another newspaper article that makes grim reading “David Goodwillie rape accuser opens her heart on vile internet abuse after charges are dropped“. Wonder what it tells us about Scottish society when a *woman* who’s an alleged rape victim is the one who’s vilified? The footballer guy at the centre of this is in the middle of…